Monkey see, Monkey Do – IITian monkeys

Let me start by clarifying that I am an Ape, not a monkey. Monkey see, Monkey do – To quote Wikipedia, it refers to learning of a process without an understanding of why it works. It can also imply the act of mimicry, usually with limited knowledge and/or concern of the consequences.

What has this to do with IITians? I assume you have guessed it by now. This article is a comment on my own family. The IITian family. Continue Reading

Second year at IITD

Today, I was reading a note in FB by one of my classmates, in which she was describing her second year experiences at IITD.  With her permission, Here I present to my readers, an excerpt.

One week into the fourth semester and I realised this ain’t going to be an easy one in terms of academics and it wasn’t because the courses being taught were very-very difficult or something but because of the way they were being  *forced*  upon us. Where shall I begin, be it EEL 308( where I didn’t know what the hell was I doing and why, just for some stupid quizzes and marks or a grade) or be it EEL204(which I thought had led me to a level where for the first time in my life I doubted myself). Continue Reading

Another annoyed, angry concerned IIT alumnus speaks..

If there are thousands on a train platform and only one train, making the doors wider is not going to help the situation. You have to add more trains.

This is a statement from Chetan Bhagat‘s collumn in todays TOI. He is an alumnus of IITD, a famous writer, and a concerned Indian. Read what he has to say about proposed JEE reforms here (column in TOI).

As I was reading Newspaper today, I came across Kapil Sibal’s announcement that the decision to reform JEE and conduct a common Entrance examination was taken after taking all issues into consideration, and that the HRD ministry has no plans of stepping back, I couldn’t just control my laughter. No move has been so foolish ever. ( I know, The record wont stand long. :P)

IITs are already actively combating with state imposed reservations, substandard examination pattern since we switched to complete MCQ scheme, and various internal issues that are better kept to inner circles. Implement the reform, and that would be the last day we IITians could proudly say.. We are IITians. That would be the day India would lose one of its much-valued assets. That would be the day when all IIT alumni mourn for the death of IITs. Yes, I’m actually being modest. Implement the common entrance test as proposed, and I’d call IITs and their charm, a history of the past. Most would agree.

Signing off,

J Phani Mahesh

Something I accidentally chanced upon.. And its worth a read, hence this reblog. 🙂 enjoy.


(Dr. Manindra Agarwal’s Journey to the Primality Testing)

It was December 2002 when suddenly a rumor spread around in the Computer Science students, who had just graduated from IITK in May that year, that two of their batch mates had completed their PhDs in a matter of few months. It took no time for the mails to be circulated, phone calls to be made, yahoo messengers to ring the message among the students who were either working or were furthering their studies. Two of their own batch mates, friends of many, had completed their PhD and that too How!

When few got the real scoop, the news was even more interesting than the completion of PhD. They had invented an algorithm to solve a huge problem in Mathematics. It had been an open problem for a long time. They had invented an algorithm to test if a number was prime…

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